The MPS degree program shall be of 48 credits and divided into 4 semesters. Each semester will be of 19 weeks, of which · 15 weeks will be for class teaching · 1 week break for preparation, and · 3 weeks for holding the semester final examinations.
The program shall include teaching of 16 course units for a total of 1600 marks, which shall be translated into 48 credit hours.
The total credit hours shall be evaluated on the basis of 1600 total marks, ofwhich 1500 marks shall be for 15 full units taught courses, or 1300 marks for 13 full unit taught courses and 200 marks for thesis research and 100 marks for written and oral comprehensive examinations.
Each full unit course shall be of 100 marks.
Number of lecture classes/contact hours per week shall be determined on the basis of the credit hours assigned to each course. For a 3 credit course unit, there shall be two lecture classes of 60 minutes each and one 60 minutes discussion class/tutorial class/lab work/group presentations/class test every week.
In the course structure for the MPS Degree Program, there shall be
a total of 1600 marks for 16 full unit courses, of which 1500 marks shall be for 15 full unit taught courses, or 1300 marks for 13 full unit taught courses and 200 marks for thesis research, and 100 marks for written and oral comprehensive examinations.
4 courses with 100 marks each, resulting in 12 earned credits per semester, i.e., there shall be 4 unit courses with 3 credits assigned to each course.
1 taught course for 100 marks for 3 credit hours, 200 marks for thesis research for 6 credits or 3 taught courses for 300 marks for 9 credit hours and 100 marks for written and oral comprehensive examinations with 3 credits assigned against it, in the fourth semester.
The distribution of course units, marks and credit build up for the MPS Professional Degree Program for 1600 marks for 16 courses shall be as under: Course Structure of the MPS Professional Degree Program
Classes for the MPS program shall be held on Friday (3:00 PM to 9:00 PM), Saturday and Thursday (5:30 PM. to 8:30 PM). |