
Administration of the Examination

 The Chairperson of the Department shall provide the Dean of the Faculty and the students with a semester calendar before the beginning of a semester indicating


  • the duration of 15 weeks for class teaching
  • dates of mid-semester examination
  • date of submission of assignment/term paper
  • duration of the preparation week
  • dates for the semester final examinations, and
  •  date for the commencement of the next semester.

At the beginning of the semester, a course teacher shall provide the students with a course outline indicating the objectives, contents and activities (teaching approaches such as labs, case studies, field work, lecture, presentation, etc.) related to the course, text books to be followed, the dates for mid-semester and submission of term papers/home assignments.


The course teacher shall announce the result of the mid-semester examination and term papers/home assignments within two weeks of the date of holding of the examination, and submit the marks to the Chairperson of the Examination Committee, immediately after the announcement of the result.


 All semester final examinations shall be conducted by the Department, with the assistance of the Office of the Controller of the Examinations, except for the semester final examination of the fourth semester of the MPS Degree Program.


All students of the semester concerned shall have to fill in the semester final examination entry form, supplied by the department, on payment of dues determined by the Department/Controller of Examinations, for appearing at the semester final examination, except for the semester final examination of the fourth semester of the MPS degree program.


The Academic Committee of the Department shall constitute an Examination Committee for each semester of the Program. The Examination Committee shall be composed of 4 members, one of which shall be an external, appointed from outside the Department. In case of any vacancy or inability on the part of a member/examiner, the examination work shall not be invalidated.


The course teacher of each course shall submit the manuscript of the questions to the Chairperson of the Examination Committee at least two weeks before the course final examination begins. The Examination Committee shall

  •  edit and print questions, hold semester final examinations, and conduct viva voce (if any), 
  •  appoint two teachers for tabulation of the results, preferably from within the examination committee, and
  •  announce the semester final results within 42 days from the date of last examination held and recommend students’ promotion to the next semester class.


Tabulation work shall be started after all the marks of the semester finalexaminationare received by the Chairperson of Examination Committee.


The Chairperson of the Examination Committee shall submit the followings to the Chairperson of the Department,


  •   the semester final examination result and the relevant working papers,
  • a list of students recommended for promotion to the next semester class, and
  • copies of the grade-sheet and the mid-semester marks of all courses of the semester, and
  • the evaluated answer scripts. 


The Chairperson of the Examination Committee shall also submit to the Controller of Examinations a copy of the tabulated result of each semester immediately after the announcement of the semester final results.


The Chairperson of the Department shall hold the evaluated scripts in her/his custody for at least twelve months after the announcement of final results and after that the scripts will be disposed off according to the university practice.


The Controller of the Examinations shall conduct only the semester final examination of the fourth semester of the MPS degree program.


 All students shall have to fill in the examination entry form, supplied by the Controller of Examinations, on payment of dues, for appearing at the semester final examination of the fourth semester of the MPS degree program.


The Controller of the Examinations shall publish the cumulative results of the MPS degree programs and shall provide the transcript showing course wise grades and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the candidates for the degree concerned.